Existing Cottage Demolition Works
Before we could even start imagining how our house would look we spent every evening and weekend clearing the site by hand, in hind sight, an excavator would have saved a lot of blood and tears.
The previous owners had tried for the previous 8 years to get planning permission for a replacement dwelling without any luck. So our purchase of the land and buildings was somewhat of a gamble. When permission was finally granted David Horton Contractors (www.davidhortoncontrcators.co.uk) came on site with Ron, their most experienced excavator driver.
We had approximately 11m deep excavation s to go through from top of site to basement level, that required moving over 12,000 tonnes of good quality Cotswold stone. It turned the site into a quarry rather than a typical building site. Two 9T dumpers from Hewden plant hire were employed for 10 hour days, without ever stopping.
It took just under 14 days, running 7 days a week, shifting approximately 90 tonnes per hour for 10 hour days in some of the most hostile weather conditions of the winter of 2005. All material was then suitably crushed, screened and sorted into appropriate piles ready for use either for our temporary road ways or for building material. No material left site.
Even the crushing of the concrete industrial buildings, was put to good use in the blinding for the foundations and road surfaces, all the metal was sent off for recycling. In fact even during the entire project only three 8 yard skips were used for the entire construction period.
We worked through all weather conditions never allowing it to get the better of us.